Monday, May 9, 2022 1pm to 4pm
About this Event
43.453599, -76.544010
May 5
Stress Free Zone at Rice Creek Field Station
Lessons From Nature at 11:15 am and 1:15 pm: Mindfulness walks led by CSC staff
Ongoing activities, from noon to 3 pm: Make and take crafts, lawn games, hammocks and gravity chairs, canoeing and kayaking, pet a tortoise (weather permitting). Healthy energizing snacks will be served.
Rice Creek can be accessed by the Green Route Shuttle, which leaves the Marano Campus Center bus stop on the half-hour, and by driving or biking the ~1.5 miles from campus. Rice Creek's address is 193 Thompson Road.
May 6 and 9
Chill Zone
Need a breather? Check out our stress free activities, crafts and support. Healthy energizing snacks will be served.
Outside of Penfield Library, 1 to 4 pm
Rain location: Inside of Penfield Library
Therapy Dogs from Pet Partners of CNY
Come say hi to floofy friends Kee and Finn
Outside of Penfield Library, Monday, May 9 from 3 to 4pm
Rain location: Inside of Penfield Library
COPE Self-Care Bag Giveaways
25 COPE self-care bags will be handed out at Chill Zone.
Outside of Penfield Library, Monday, May 9 at 2 pm
Rain location: Inside of Penfield Library
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