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Hosted by HCL Technologies Ltd. Organized by Robbin Falcone.

Any Handshake student with a link to this event can view and RSVP.

Searching for your first role after graduation? Hoping to secure an internship or work-ready training in the technology industry with a leading employer? Apply with HCL and launch your career in tech consulting Join our virtual career fair nationwide. If you are interested in landing a career in technology,  you can explore new vistas with Rise at HCL college hiring program. They are hiring over 3,000 college graduates with both associate and bachelor's technology degrees. The Rise at HCL college graduate internship & hiring program provides career opportunities for college graduates to get hands-on skill development, on-the-job training, and exciting full time roles in technology and consulting to help launch their stellar careers. Learn more details and ask questions about the graduate hiring program, where you choose your road to success.

About HCL America : They are a $10B company with 15 offices, 7 delivery centers and over three decades of presence in the United States, employing 20,000 passionate people all over the country and over 150K across the globe. Recently named Forbes Magazine top global employer.

To know more, please visit

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